Rent a Vacation Home in Perdido Key, Pensacola Florida
Address: 864 Sailfish Court, Pensacola, FL 32507
email: Sailfish864 @ gmail .com
SMS or Skype: +1 (863) 614 – 1964

Where is the supermarket?
– Walmart : large choice, great price, and the cheapest Gaz Station – 11 minutes to go.
– Proxy is closer but more expensive

Where are the beaches?
a) 4 minutes to the Public access,
you can cross the free ground to the right of the yellow house (our neighbor opposite)
b) 10 min to the entrance of the National Park
It is a huge beach, very beautiful and without people.
If you don’t want to pay for the park entrance, you have to get there by walking on the beach from the public access.
Vacation Home in Perdido Key, Pensacola Florida